Thursday, April 8, 2010


Oops! I forgot to take a picture yesterday!
First time... I think that's pretty good and I'm going to forgive myself and used these stolen photos to represent what I like to call LOST Wednesday. I don't ever get to watch LOST on Tuesday because I'm usually working or my TV isn't working, so I watch it on Hulu on Wednesday. Anyway, last night's episode was EPIC. And I was going to just post a sexy picture of my second favorite character, Desmond. But, I love the Desmond and Penny combo even more than I love him so I went with that. Also, Charlie. You'll understand if you watch the episode.

1 comment:

mal said...

MAYBE you'll understand... I like to periodically imagine someone is watching with me who has never watched before, and how I would explain the significance of des pulling charlie out of the car that is submerged in the water "isn't it weird that this is the first way charlie died in season 3?" (dinner party ruined instantly)


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