After spending most of my summer being AWESOME, I am finally settling down and realizing that I need to work and earn some money. I also need to start training for Vegas Ragnar, which is coming up in two short months. Last year I didn't train as well as I would have liked because I had shin splints, but this year I have no excuse, so I'm jumping right back into it. I know this isn't saying much, but I ran yesterday and the day before and the plan is to go again today and the next day and the day after that. Luckily, I'm already loving it again and I haven't really had to go through the forcing myself phase because I want to go run. It's fun for me already. So that's nice. But that always goes through phases. I might hate it tomorrow and have to force myself to go again. I'm trying to stay motivated, but I think I've learned that the best way to do something is to just do it and not to sit there and think up reasons not to or reasons why you shouldn't or even try to get yourself pumped. Just do it. Nike was right after all. So I've been trying to just do it and it's worked for two days. We'll see if it works for three.
It feels strangely satisfying to be working again and I'm starting to get nervous and excited for school to start in a few short weeks. As much fun as all my trips have been, I'm starting to get excited for just chillin' in Provo and getting some stuff accomplished. It's funny how the thought of going back to school back in May was terrifying and sounded like death and now I'm all pumped about it. I'm glad life works that way because if I still felt like I did back in May about school, it's possible I would shoot myself in the face. And that would hurt. So this is for the best. It's going to be a tough year, but it'll be a good one too and I'm always up for a challenge, so I'm ready for it.
I know these blog posts are the ones that are boring and that very few people actually finish reading because they're about my life and not some funny story or pet peeve of mine, but I appreciate those of you who take a minute or two to read them. This one is pretty boring and I apologize. Oh well. There will be other blog posts, other boys, other midnight swims, other prom dresses. Cindy, you're sick. Cindy, you need help! No, Cindy!!
Name that movie. It's obscure, but you can do it.